Blend Your Adsense Like This To Increase CTR
Here's what you do:
1. Use a leaderboard (728x90). This is one of the best performing ad blocks in a content site. To blend the leaderboard, match the colors of all your regular links to the ad block colors. Place the ad block below your banner but above your content for maximum exposure and blending (usually at the header). Here's an example:
2. Ad block wrapped in post (text). The best one to use is the square block. You can use the 250x250 or 300x250. Make sure to match your ad block color to your other link colors. Here's an example:
To wrapped the ads in your post (text),folloe below link:
If you are using Wordpress
If you are using Blogger
If you are using HTML (website)
3. At the end of each article or post, you can include a banner ad (468x60). This block will make you less money than the first two, but if you write unique and good content, people will read through all of it and might then click on your ads at the bottom. You're allowed 3 blocks, so why not use them all.
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